Our investment in this school community is personal. My daughter, now nine, will soon be attending her third school in the district; and in this same time, I’ve become an experienced in-class volunteer and an active participant in the PTO. These years have been so rewarding; and without hesitation, I can sincerely say that we LOVE Lakeville and we LOVE our Lakeville schools.
However; this period has also not been without challenge. Most recently, the manner by which some issues have been addressed has upset the trust of our community and school staff. I am a candidate for the ISD 194 School Board because I want to help restore this trust.
The opportunities ahead for our great district are significant, but also challenging. Lakeville needs and deserves a board that will work cooperatively with the community, staff, and students to address both academic and financial needs. With over 20 years of collaborative leadership experience, I feel uniquely qualified for this task. With your vote, you will get my very best effort.
Thank you!